Sun 26 Jan
ReInventing the term"CD/TV" ALL NaTuRaL BOMBSHELL!! Fully Functional ((ReVieWed!!!)) - 25
(Orange County, Cypress/West Anaheim/Stanton area)
1.NYC's "Just Let Me TAKE CHARGE " = EXOTIC: = FIT, LEAN, TONED= Mystery & Risky Desires = = - 24
(5fwy/405fwy IRVINE (Sand Canyon Ave), Orange County)
miKAYLA❤❤❤ ❤❤LiMITED TIME ❤❤❤ PETITE ❤❤❤❤ SEXY ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤GIRL - 25
(Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Irvine, Orange, Orange County, Santa Ana, SANTA ANA SEXY 💦💦💦💦💦�💦💦)
🦋🦋TS butterfly Nikki available now 🦋🦋 Ready for some fun !' - 27
(Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa / irvine / Santa Ana, Orange County)
❤️Nadia Fernanda ts ❤️ compton 559 349 0687 - 24
(Conptom 559 349 0687, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Gabriel Valley)
💋💋Miss Kaylee Visiting YOUR TOWN 💋 Orange💋 - 23
(Irvine, Orange County, Orange/Angel Stadium/Anaheim)
💋💋💋 **** YOUR DREAM GiRL CoMe TRUE !!! *** THE PERFECT BLONDE TREAT !!! **** 💋💋💋 - 23
(Costa Mesa, i do outcalls only, Orange County)
YOur TReAT ▓▒░ *❤.•* iRR£SiSTABL£ *•.❤* ░▒▓❤ ASIAN ❤ ▓▒░ *❤.•* SW££TH£ART *•.❤* ░▒▓ 619-704-4818 - 21
(Downtown, Hollywood,Santa Monica,Vience,Outcalls)
YES WE are OPEN NOW ! ! ! and yes, I do that . . . ./ / / 1RVINE ******. - 21
(Irvine, Barranca, 5 fwy)
Your best friends very hot and sexy mom experience.. never tell your best friend.. - 41
(Orange County, near 405 and 22 freeway. incall/out)
_____________ *** {__ *YoUr* __} -*- {__ *UlTiMaTe* __} -*- {__ TrEaT__} *** _____________ - 19
(Orange County, O.C. Anaheim In/Out)
❀✿young and sexy Chinese Student 4/1 arrived call me waiting for you . .~❀✿✾ - 20
(Anaheim, Anaheim,Santa Ana,Fullerton,Orange, 5&22, Orange County, Santa Ana)
×°x°× SUPER WET [&] TiGHT ×°x°× $$ 60 $$ SPECiALS W/ BRNETTE BUNNY ×°x°× - 20
SOO HOT! ExCLuSiVe * BuStY * pLaYMaTE !!! (100 INCALL- SPECIAL!) TOTAL FUN! - 21
(55/dyer 100 incalls now)
❤ SoFtB00Ty ❤ bLck& nativE amEricAN miX ( 80 sPC ) 7076353243 dONt misS Out - 19
(Orange County, costa mesa harbor blvd 405 exit)
👋🏻🍑 Smack it! Slap it! 👅💦 Delicioso 💦👅 Play with My kiddy like Its Yours 😻😈 Hot Babe! Hot Fun! 😈😻💦💦💦 - 21
(Costa Mesa, Irvine, My Place or Your Place ..YOUR CHOICE, Orange, Orange County, Santa Ana)
$$SexyJamaican queen$$ - 21
(Fullerton, Inland Empire, North Hollywood, San Fernando valley, Orange County, San Bernardino)
💞✨✨🏆(S)(E)(X)(Y)👅 (V)(I)(X)(E)( N) 🍫 BRowNSkiN🍪 EbONy🍭🏆Sweet 💋K•I•N•K•Y• TREAT👄👠👑 - 20
(Anaheim, Bellflower, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downey, Long Beach, Orange County)
! ! .Sexy! . .sExY. . . .SeXy. . . . .sExY. . . .SEXy. . . . .SExy. . . .seXY. . . . .SEXY!!!. . . - 23
(5 fwy, 1RV1NE, Barranca)
simply sexy exotic playmate ready to fullfill your every needs
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, anywhere you want me!)
* :.★SEXY . : * BLONDE *:.★ .SWEET & FUN!! #❶ * CHOICE *: . - 20
(Irvine / 405 frwy / Costa Mesa)
** {SEXY BLONDE } :* ☆ ¨*: {THE ONE} :*★¨*: {YOU}: *¨☆*: {WANT}* * - 19
(Huntington Beach *405 frwy * Westminster)
☆SeXI LatiNa GargEOUs Venezolana Beauty♡ AvailablE NOw! 80 Roses SpeciAL 7146440159 - 23
(Orange County, Lakeforest,LagunaMiguel,Tustin,Mission v)
SExxiEST GURL AValiABle 60$$ Specials (L oOk HoT & ReAdY) - 24
(Orange County, Costa mesa 405 harbor 60$$)
Sensual Sherre ,cmt, leggy pretty blonde, for the Ultimate Experience Advance Appt VISITING NOW - 48
(Anaheim, Orange County, Orange County San Diego LA and)
SENSUAL) (SEXY) (BLOND) Calling on my FRIENDS and some New Clients GREAT RATE U Upscale TOO! - 40
(Orange County, LN, AV, LH LF MV area)
♥♡♥♡ Sensual NUDE Body Rub with a BUSTY College Girl ♥♡♥♡ I know what a man likes!pamper u up.. - 19
S€DUCT!VE__ *!*V!P*!*__ HOT *!* Latina *!!*__ *!* BOMBSH€LL !! GR€AT RAT €S *!*__*!*AMAZ!NG SK!LLS! - 19
(Orange County, Costa Mesa 405 & Harbor Blvd $80$PECIALS)
———— ஐ ———— S E X Y ———— ஐ ———— E L I T E———— ஐ———— C O M P A N I O N - 22
(Orange County, Anaheim,Orange,Fullerton,Placentia)
S E X Y & S K i L L E D ((( CuRvY ))) __ BODY! __ ((( Exotic ))) PLAYMATE.. INCALL specials!! - 19
(Orange County, ANAHiEM / DiSNEYLAND AREA) Incall)
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E* -T-) ♥ (*A* -N- *D*) ♥ (-A- *D* -D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I* -V- *E*) - 22
(Orange County, 5 Freeway & Harbor)
ReADy Now!! 👄LaTiNa HoTTiE👄CaRMEN LOVe👄Call Me Now - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City/Encino/Burbank/Los Angeles)
►►► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►► ► ★ S_E_X_X_X_Y ★ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄◄ ◄◄ ◄ INDEPENDENT SEXY BABE!!! - 22
(North Hollywood, Orange County Los Angeles)
NEW* ur fav. juicy All american Vietnamese avail. now and ready to play*so YuMmY come taste - 24
(upscale irvine/ 405 jamboree incall)
((NeW)) -- -- tO qOOd tO MiSS -- -- SEXy FREAK ! (($1OO)) BEsT BLONDE BuNNY! - 21
(55/dyer 1OO/TOYS AVAILABLE!!!)
New Top Knotch Provider Simply Stunning Specials Ready And Waiting - 23
(incalls anaheim off 5 fwy disney way)
N.i.C.E A.S .S👯 & 💄Leaving Soon 💋🚫🚿💦FrEaKy WilD N W3T👯💦💥 PeRKY BombShell 💦🙊!!! 2 Girls - 22
(Garden Grove, Garden Grove incalls & Outcalls)
NEW●❣●《《 SexY 》》♡ [[ PuRe PlEaSuRe ]] [•Bεyond Comparε•] Gorgeous PRiNCESS ♡ [AvAiLAblE NoW] - 23
(Inland Empire, Near 10-15fw, Outcalls to all areas (IE))
NEW TO TOWN >>DO >>you >>have>> a taste >>for>> mature>> older>> women>> HERE i am - 44
(irvine.newport.anaheim and more)
☆°° * M!RROR M!RROR ON TH3 W@LL. ☆ WHO !Z TH3 B3ST OF TH3M @LL ? ☆ °°* - 19
((C@LL_♥_M3!) ...I N C A L L :))
_♥ __ MIxXeD EgYpTiAn PRINCESS __ ♥ __ New Year Specials starting @ $70 ♥ - 20
(O.C. -5 fwy- *specials@70/100/160*)
Mature Mind Blowing Italian Jersey Shore Beauty Here In The O.C. Offering Multi Pop Sessions - 30
(Garden Grove(Anahiem))
LoVe ToO pLeAs yOOh.. cicelya 18 blond beautifull Its ME r its FREE - 18
(Orange County, Costa Mesa/ Huntington Beach)
♦ LATINA ♦ Hospitality ♦ Comfort ♦ Beautiful ♦ Caring ♦ MASSAGE - 24
(Orange County, 12570 Brookhurst GG ★★)
° °°-:¦:-°° incredibley G0RGEOUS X.tra' PEtitE' & a real TREAt! °°-:¦:-°° ° - 19
(* anaheim! *)
Sun 12 Jan
- (~*♥*~) °*° KNOCK °*° OUT °*° CURVY °*° (~*♥*~) BUSTY - 23
(Orange County, Costa Mesa/Newport/Santa Ana Off 55)
,,,,Fire Of Love ,,,,Costa Mesa Aug 4-6th ,,, Super Busty ,,, Mature & Elegant 100% Woman - 54
(Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa North OC)